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Language: English
How Can You Expand Fractions to Find a Common Denominator?
How Can You Reduce Fractions to Find a Common Denominator?
How Do You Compare the Sizes of Fractions?
How Do You Place Fractions on the Number Line?
Why Should You Learn the Order of Operations?
How Do You Solve Problems That Have Both Multiplication and Division?
How Do You Solve Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division in the Same Problem?
Why Should You Learn the Times Tables?
How Does the 1 and 10 Times Tables Work?
How Does the 2 Times Table Work?
How Does the 3 Times Table Work?
How Does the 4 Times Table Work?
How Does the 5 Times Table Work?
How Does the 6 Times Table Work?
How Does the 7 Times Table Work?
How Does the 8 Times Table Work?
How Does the 9 Times Table Work?
How Does a Fraction Change When You Change the Numerator?
How Does a Fraction Change When You Change the Denominator?
Add the numbers. Level 1
Add the numbers. Level 2
Add the numbers. Level 3
Subtract the numbers to calculate the difference. Level 1
Subtract the numbers to calculate the difference. Level 2
Subtract the numbers to calculate the difference. Level 3
Subtract the numbers to calculate the difference. Level 4
Find the missing digit.
Write multiplication as repeated addition.
Write the multiplication sentence
Which multiplication sentence describes the array?
Use multiplication to decide how many
Multiply the numbers
Find the fraction of each shaded figure
Select the correct answer
Select the correct image
Which fractions represent the same value?
Find the answer by sharing equally
Solve the task
Choose the correct alternative.
Find the missing number (division)
Find the missing number (multiplication)
What time is it? (Whole and Half hours)
What time is it? Level 1
What time is it? Level 2
Which clock shows?
What time is most likely?
What time is it? (Quarters)
What time is it?
Which clock shows the same time? Level 1
Which clock shows the same time? Level 2
Which clock shows the correct time?
How many seconds/minutes/hours?
How many hours?
How much time is this? Level 1
How much time is this? Level 2
Which measuring instrument is correct?
Which object - volume
How much is in the measuring cup?
How many?
Convert: L and dL
Convert: dL and cL
What weighs most?
Sort by weight
How much do you need?
How much do they weigh in total?
Convert: kg to grams
Convert: grams to kg
What Are Rectangles, Squares, Parallelograms and Rhombuses?
Which calculation is correct?
What Is the Area Formula for Rectangles, Squares, Parallelograms and Rhombuses?
Which figure is a triangle?
Which figure is a quadrilateral?
What are the figures called?
Which figure is a circle?
What's the area? Level 1
What's the area? Level 2