What Is Multiplication?MenuIntroduction1Multiplication TermsWhat Are the Different Parts of a Multiplication Problem Called?The different parts of a multiplication expression have different names. This video shows you what they are called.factor×factor=product\text{factor} \times \text{factor} = \text{product}factor×factor=productUnderstoodContinueTurn Sums into MultiplicationActivity Set 1Activity Set 22Multiply by 0Activity Set 1Activity Set 23Simplifying SumsActivity Set 14Number Line for MultiplicationActivity Set 15Swap FactorsFactor SwappingActivity Set 1Activity Set 26Boss Battle
What Are the Different Parts of a Multiplication Problem Called?The different parts of a multiplication expression have different names. This video shows you what they are called.factor×factor=product\text{factor} \times \text{factor} = \text{product}factor×factor=productUnderstoodContinue